"Taking Experiential Learning Online in an Acoustics Elective Course" by Daniel Ludwigsen


Taking Experiential Learning Online in an Acoustics Elective Course

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE North Central Section Conference

Conference Name

2016 ASEE North Central Section Conference


Starting in 2007, this survey course has been part of an acoustics minor. Originally envisioned to capture foundational concepts of acoustics that would be essential to a wide variety of engineering and scientific applications, this course is aimed at a junior/senior level audience to reflect the initiative and maturity required of the student. Topics emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of acoustics in industry, incorporating digital signal processing, psychoacoustics, and applications in room acoustics and environmental noise. Its evolution from a face-to-face studio environment to a hybrid and then fully online course has retained a hands-on experiential course design. Themes of art and design have been essential to its success. Challenges arose in teaching the course online, and solutions to promote learner engagement and consistency are described.

Rights Statement

Copyright © 2016, American Society for Engineering Education.
