Project Title

First International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models

Name of Award

First International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models

Date Awarded


Granting Organization

Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation

Project Description

This project is aimed at bringing together in a conference forum researchers, practitioners, and students with interest in matrix-analytic methods for modeling stochastic systems. The conference has multiple objectives. These objectives include 1) review of the progress of research and the state-of-the-art in matrix analytical methods in stochastic models, 2) the analysis of the design of a tutorial that would allow providing a working knowledge of matrix-analytical methods to practitioners and students in a form that they can put the technique to use, 3) discuss and identify technological areas of application of the technique, 4) present resent unpublished research results, and 5) identify directions for future research. Matrix-analytical method for modeling stochastic systems is a relative new area with the first set of systematic studies appearing in the 1980s. Since then, a number of researchers in various fields such as telecommunication, production, and computer systems have applied it to model problems. Despite their widespread areas of applications, matrix-analytical procedure is still relatively unknown to many potential users and researchers in the general area of stochastic analysis. The conference will help to close the gap and disseminate the technique and its potential application to a much wider audience than has been so far possible.

Additional Information

Flint, MI, August 24-25, 1995

Grant Number

