In preparation for a Comprehensive Site Visit in February 2007, a Self-Study—Assurance Document was submitted to HLC in November 2006. After the Site Visit, HLC prepared the two reports listed below: Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit—Assurance Section and Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit—Advancement Section.

The Assurance Section articulates the HLC Site Visit team's recommendations for three follow-up items:
  1. Progress Report due September 2008 (Progress Report—Mission Statement & Associated Strategic Plan) on the adoption of a new mission statement, associated strategic plan, and implementation plan
  2. Progress Report due September 2008 (Progress Report—Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment) on the adoption of institutional effectiveness and assessment measures
  3. Focused Visit scheduled for March 10, 2010 (Self-Study 2010) on the adequacy of resources to support the current educational programs and Kettering University's plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future
In the Advancement Section HLC only makes observations. See the Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit—Assurance Section for the HLC Site Visit team's recommendations for follow-up actions.




Complete Self-Study—Assurance Document, Kettering University

Report from HLC


Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit—Advancement Section, Higher Learning Commission


Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit—Assurance Section, Higher Learning Commission