
Faculty Senate

Document Type

Meeting Document

Publication Date



This proposal includes a change in the name of the undergraduate business program from a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration to a Bachelor of Science in Management, and a realignment of the curriculum to better address the intent of the management program. The name change better reflects the intent of a focus on educating managers as opposed to a focus in specific business disciplines. In particular, the Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) will consist of a rigorous core of management knowledge with emphasis on application; integrating knowing and doing by targeting academic preparation to professional development through coordination with cooperative educational experiences. The BSM will also feature preparation in Systems Management as an approach to fostering integrative understanding of the work of managers in today’s increasingly complex business environment. Additionally, students will have four alternatives for concentration of elective courses from other undergraduate programs at Kettering, as well as resources within the School of Management. These concentrations leverage strengths at Kettering University while also allowing students to significantly personalize their educational experience.
