Chemical Engineering Presentations And Conference Materials | Chemical Engineering | Kettering University


Submissions from 2019


Process Prototype Design and Fabrication, Johnathon Wenzel

Submissions from 2018


Supercritical Impregnation of Walnut Husk Extract into Polyethylene Film, Johnathon Wenzel, I. Spencer-Williams, A. Kjeilson, Lihua Wang, Cheryl Samaniego, and Michelle Ammerman


Infusion of Walnut Husk into Polyethylene, Johnathon Wenzel, Lihua Wang, Cheryl Samaniego, Michelle Ammerman, S. Constine, K. Cussans, and E. Ward

Submissions from 2017


Novel Applications of Walnut Husk Extracts, Johnathon Wenzel, Michelle Ammerman, Lihua Wang, Cheryl Samaniego, E. Ward, E. Kissick, and S. Constine

Submissions from 2016


Entrepreneurial-Based Learning By Building Your Own Reactor, Johnathon Wenzel


Impact of Post-Harvest Drying and Extraction Method Upon Total Phenol, Antioxidant Potential, and Inhibitory Activity of Black Walnut Husks, Johnathon Wenzel, Michelle Ammerman, Lihua Wang, Cheryl Samaniego, A. Gradl, E. Ward, N. Windle, A. Stuckey, K. Topping, and M. Alzahabi


Chemical Engineering - Biology Crossover Project - Customer Client Interactions, Johnathon Wenzel, Steven Nartker, Michelle Ammerman, and Cheryl Samaniego

Submissions from 2015


Integration of Process Safety from Introduction to Chemical Engineering to Reaction Engineering, Johnathon Wenzel

Submissions from 2014


Using Soybean Derived Crude Glycerol As Co-Digestate in Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Digester to Increase Biogas Production, Steven Nartker, Michelle Ammerman, Cheryl Samaniego, and Johnathon Wenzel


Production of Biodiesel from Michigan Soybean Oil Using Supercritical Methanol with Acetic Acid, Johnathon Wenzel, Michael Stogsdill, Ali Zand, J. Davis, and E. Maricq

Submissions from 2013


Use of Pre-Laboratory Orientation and Safety Videos for the Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction Experiment in Undergraduate Reaction Engineering, Johnathon Wenzel, Brian Beck, Tracey Rodgerson, and Stacy Seeley


Evaluation of Ascorbic Acid and Acetic Acid As Catalysts in the Transesterfication of Virgin Soybean Oil, Johnathon Wenzel, E. Maricq, Michael Stogsdill, and Ali Zand

Submissions from 2012


Reaction Kinetics for the Production of Hydrogen from Bioethanol in an Inconel 625 Reactor from 600 to 700 degrees Celcius, Johnathon Wenzel and Lisandro Hernandez de la Pena


Non-Catalytic Reactions Producing Phenol From Benzene with Hydrogen Peroxide and Water At Near and Supercritical Water Conditions, Johnathon Wenzel, Montserrat Rabago-Smith, Ali Zand, and P. Holcomb