Date Awarded


Granting Organization

Side impact development, child restraint system, deceleration sled, dummies, side crashes, sled tests, test procedures, testing equipment, highways, Safety and Human Factors, I80: Accident Studies

Project Description

This report presents the results of the continued research and development of child seat side impact tests using the deceleration sled at Kettering University’s Crash Safety Center. The objective of this test series was to gain further insight into the sensitivity of the side impact test fixture response. Test variations included speed of impact, weight of the fixture, and impact characteristics. Additionally, 20 child restraint system (CRS) specific tests were conducted using a fixed set of test parameters.

Additional Information

Report No. DOT HS 811 995. Contract or Grant No. DTNH22-11-R-00204.

Grant Number

Accession Number: 01581084Report/Paper Numbers: DOT HS 811 995Contract Numbers: DTNH22-11-C-00204
