Publication Date



Action with Interim Monitoring. HLC’s Institutional Action Council (IAC) continued the accreditation of Kettering University with the next Reaffirmation of Accreditation in 2023-24. In conjunction with this action, IAC required the following interim monitoring:

  • Interim Report: An Interim Report due December 1, 2015 on institutional and academic oversight of teaching effectiveness, faculty workload and related expectations, and assessment and retention across all modes of delivery.

IAC also required the following interim monitoring to be embedded in the Year 4 Assurance Review.

  • Embedded Monitoring: Year 4 Assurance Review and Comprehensive Evaluation will include an interim report focused on the implementation of program review and the use of data and information generated by program review in budgeting and planning.

Original File Name

Kettering University PEAQ Reaffirmation letter 7-1-14
