Document Type

Report from HLC

Publication Date



After reviewing the Interim Report submitted in November 2015, HLC outlines the major points to be addressed in the Standard Pathway Year 4 Comprehensive Evaluation scheduled for September 11-12, 2017. The embedded report will be focused on the implementation of program review; and the use of data and information generated by program review in budgeting and planning. In addition, the Year 4 Assurance Filing will include an embedded report providing clear evidence of the following:

  1. That the University’s faculty workload policy revisions have been completed and that a comprehensive institutional policy on faculty workload has been approved and is memorialized in appropriate documents;
  2. That the institution’s learning assessment system and procedures have been standardized across the University and are being employed for the purposes of academic and institutional improvement.

Original File Name

Kettering University Interim Report Response 20160301
